What is Request It?

Request It combines interlibrary loan and purchase requests into one service.

How many items can I request?

You can have five active requests at one time. This number includes interlibrary loan items that are checked out and ILL/purchase requests in processing.

Can I decide whether PPLD purchases or borrows my request?

Pikes Peak Library District (PPLD) reserves the right to determine the best way to fill your request, while still delivering the item to you in as timely a manner as possible.

Will my requested items appear on my PPLD library account?

Your Request It account is a separate account from your PPLD library account. Please log on to your Request It account to check on your items. Items borrowed through ILL will only appear in your Request It account; items we purchase will show a hold for that item on your PPLD library account after ordering.

Why am I having trouble logging into my Request It account?

It may be due to one of the following reasons:
  • You may have received a library card through the Colorado Library Card (CLC) program, which gives you the privilege of checking out materials at any of our PPLD library branches. These library cards start with the number "7". However, you will need to request Interlibrary Loans from your home library where you reside.
  • You may have fees on your library card that are $10 or more. This will prevent you from placing Interlibrary Loan requests.
  • Your library account may have expired, or you may need to update your personal information. Please call interlibrary loan staff Monday-Thursday, 9:00am-5:00pm, or Friday, 10:00am-4:30pm, (719) 531-6333, ext. 2317 for assistance.
  • You may have overdue interlibrary loan items checked out which prevents you from placing a new request. Please call interlibrary loan staff (719) 531-6333, ext. 2317.

How do I request an item not found in the PPLD catalog?

Before you make a request, please check PPLD's catalog to make sure that the material you need is not already available in PPLD's collection. PPLD staff are available in person at any PPLD location and at (719) 531-6333 option "3" to assist you.
If your desired material is not available in the PPLD collection, please search WorldCat-Discovery to find items to request. WorldCat-Discovery is a cloud-based application that helps patrons easily find resources available at their library and libraries worldwide. Submitting a request through WorldCat-Discovery provides ILL staff sufficient information to process requests.

How do I place a request?

Follow these steps to place an Interlibrary Loan or Purchase Request:
  1. Search PPLD's catalog first to see if PPLD owns the item.
  2. Not in our catalog? Go to WorldCat-Discovery to find the item you you would like to request.
  3. Click the title for more information.
  4. Click on the blue "Request Item through Interlibrary Loan" button.
  5. Enter your PPLD library card number and PIN.
  6. Make sure all required fields are filled out.
  7. Click the "Submit Request" button.

How do I place a request if I can't find the item in WorldCat-Discovery?

Log into your Request It account and fill out an Item, Article, or Microfilm request form.

What items can be considered for purchase?

Titles requested must not be older than two years from original publication date. Titles that were published/released within the last two years will be reviewed by collection management according to our collection development policy.
Purchase requests for pre-release titles will be canceled. Please check the catalog around the publication date and submit your request if you can't find the title in the catalog.

WorldCat-Discovery says PPLD owns an item, but I can't find it in PPLD's catalog?

WorldCat-Discovery might not reflect PPLD's current catalog status. Please proceed with your request.

How long will my request take?

The average wait time to fulfill interlibrary loan or purchase requests is three to six weeks.

Does PPLD attempt to borrow new items within the current year?

Items published/released within the current calendar year will not be requested through interlibrary loan. PPLD will not lend new materials and neither will other libraries.

What do the Request It status messages mean?

Definitions of ILL Status messages are:
  • Awaiting Request Processing: The request has been submitted to ILL. ILL staff will review the request for any problems. Requests are processed in the order in which they are received through the ILL web-based system.
  • Awaiting Unfilled Processing: The request has been sent to potential lending libraries. However, these libraries have been unable to fill the request. ILL is trying to locate additional libraries that may own the material. This process may take several days.
  • Cancelled by Customer: The customer has cancelled the request. Cancelled requests can be found and resubmitted at a later time by going to Request History.
  • Cancelled by ILL Staff: The request has been cancelled by ILL staff. The cancellation reason will be sent to the customer by e-mail or mail.
  • Checked Out For Library Use Only: This ILL material is for Library Use Only. The item must be used on the premises at the pick-up location and cannot be checked out for use at home.
  • Checked Out to Customer: The item is currently checked out to the customer.
  • Collection Management: The material is under review by our Collection Management department to determine whether we will purchase the item.
  • Customer Notified via E-Mail: This ILL material is available for pick up at your desired location. This status reflects the customer's preferred notification method (Email).
  • Customer Notified via Mail: This ILL material is available for pick up at your desired location. This status reflects the customer's preferred notification method (Mail).
  • Delivered to Web: This ILL material has been delivered electronically for the patron's use. It is available for viewing and/or printing from the patron's ILL account. Articles will remain accessible for 30 days from the date of posting.
  • In Transit to Pickup Location: This ILL material has been processed and is on its way to the customer's preferred pick up location.
  • In Transit From Customer: The ILL material has been discharged from the customer's Request It account and is now in transit back to the ILL department.
  • Request Finished: The request has been successfully processed and completed.
  • Request Sent: The request has been sent to a group of potential lending libraries. ILL staff are waiting for responses from these libraries indicating if they will fill the request.

How much does an Interlibrary Loan cost?

There is usually no charge to patrons for ILL service; however, while we try to obtain materials for free, some lending libraries do charge a fee. Patrons are notified of fees and must agree to accept responsibility for the charges before PPLD will proceed with the request. When there is a charge, the average cost ranges from $5-$25 (or higher since the borrowing fees are determined by the lender).

What items either cannot be borrowed through Interlibrary Loan or are difficult to obtain?

If PPLD owns an item that circulates but is currently checked out, the item will NOT be requested through ILL and the item will be placed on hold for the patron.
Interlibrary Loan service cannot be used for items published within the current year. Entire issues of magazines and journals cannot be requested via Interlibrary Loan. Not all libraries lend audiovisual materials (DVDs, Blu-rays, VHS, CDs, or audiocassettes). PPLD does not borrow the following items: video games, e-materials (e-books/e-audios), book club sets, Playaway products, Tonies, hot spots, and computer equipment.
Due to budgetary constraints, multiple ILL requests for the same title are prohibited. Patrons must limit their ILL requests for the same titles to twice per calendar year.
Some libraries, especially genealogical libraries or historical societies, may be willing to photocopy portions of their materials, rather than lend them, if you can provide specific information such as:
  • Family names (include variations in spelling)
  • Specific person (full name, married name, etc.)
  • Organizations (group affiliation)
  • Date range (list years)
  • Geographic location (county, state, nation, etc.)

What might delay an Interlibrary Loan?

Materials might already be checked out to another borrower at the lending library or delayed by shipping issues. Lending libraries might limit the number of items or volumes they will send at one time. The information provided might be incomplete or incorrect, requiring additional verification.

Will there be restrictions on Interlibrary Loan materials requested?

We are obliged to honor whatever conditions a lending library places on its materials. Some libraries restrict their materials to in-library use only or do not allow renewals. ILL items from the Library of Congress cannot be checked out and must stay at the requested pick up location.
Microfilm machines are only available at the Penrose Library in Regional History and Genealogy and the East library. Microfilm or microfiche requested through Interlibrary Loan can only be sent to one of these two locations. Often the lending libraries limit the number of reels that they send (usually two-four reels at a time) and these must be returned before more can be ordered.

What happens when my requested material arrives?

You will be notified by email or by regular mail that the item is available. The due date and any special conditions will be on the yellow label attached by a book strap to the item. Please leave the yellow label and book strap on the item when you return it, as it ensures that the item will be properly checked in on your Request It account. If this item is lost due to removal of this label you may be charged replacement fees. This charge could be up to $200 for lost items.

How long is the loan period for requested materials?

The lending library sets the amount of time the patron is allowed to use the material. The checkout period is usually four weeks for books and three weeks for audiovisual items.
Purchased items will follow our standard Circulation Policies.

Can I renew Interlibrary Loan materials?

Renewals are at the discretion of the lending library. Some institutions do not allow renewals on requested materials. If the library has already stated "No Renewals" this will be indicated on the label attached to the item. If renewals are allowed, only one renewal may be requested for each item for an additional two weeks. Libraries have the option of denying a renewal request and if that happens, then you will be notified.

What are my responsibilities once I have received an Interlibrary Loan?

You take full responsibility for ILL materials: therefore, if materials are lost or damaged, you will be billed at the rate set by the lending library. Repeated failure to pick up ILL items or return items by the due date may result in the loss of ILL privileges for the remaining calendar year.

What happens if I lose or damage an Interlibrary Loan?

Please contact the Interlibrary Loan office immediately at 719-531-6333 x2317 to report a lost or damaged ILL item. We will contact the lending library for an invoice. You are responsible for any replacement and or processing fees associated with the item. Your ILL account will be blocked until the item is paid in full on your library account. Replacement copies will not be accepted.

How do I contact the Interlibrary Loan department for assistance?

For interlibrary loan related inquiries, please email Interlibrary Loan staff or call (719) 531-6333 x2317 Monday-Thursday, 9:00am-5:00pm, or Friday, 10:00am-4:30pm.